Thank you readers for being part of the It’s Material journey!
Below is the plan for the newsletters in 2024.
If you have found value in some of the insights and angles so far, please consider switching to a paid subscription. The newsletters will remain freely accessible to all, but contributions enable me to carve out more time on the content! If you would rather decide later in the year, that’s fine too. And a huge thank you to those who have already pledged.
What everyone will receive in 2024:
On Tuesday’s I’ll be putting the word “material” to work. Each week you’ll receive one example of “material” or “materiality” in use, accompanied by an image. These short newsletters will be stepping stones towards shared understandings on what’s material – through its multiple formulations and meanings – and on the power of language in shaping thought and action.
And every other Thursday, i.e. twice a month, you’ll receive news and views on the built environment – on how finance, tech, planning, design and construction shape lives and experiences, and vice versa.
Community building is a big part of this, so keep comments and suggestions coming.
The Thursday newsletters will include my own views, and also interviews with others, building on newsletters so far that have covered topics from copper, to Cairo, to the right to housing. Throughout there will be a strong through-thread on:
Value - from narrow to broad definitions; and
Agency, or who shapes decisions – also from narrow to broad definitions
Wherever you are based, whoever you are with, wishing you the best in the year ahead. Looking forward to keeping in touch, through this and other channels.